#!/usr/bin/python """dump a colorForth image file -- jc.unternet.net public domain code based on Tim Neitz's cf2html""" import sys, os, struct # the old huffman code is from http://www.colorforth.com/chars.html oldcode = ' rtoeani' + 'smcylgfw' + 'dvpbhxuq' + 'kzj34567' + \ '891-0.2/' + ';:!+@*,?' newcode = ' rtoeani' + 'smcylgfw' + 'dvpbhxuq' + '01234567' + \ '89j-k.z/' + ';:!+@*,?' code = newcode # assume Tim knows what he's doing #code = oldcode # assume Chuck's webpage is up-to-date (bad idea as of 2006) emptyblock = '\0' * 1024 icon_block = 12 # first block of character maps high_level_block = 18 # first high-level code block in CM2001 output = sys.stdout hexadecimal = '0123456789abcdef' escape = chr(0x1b) colors = ['', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white', '', 'normal'] # escape codes 30 to 39 # added 'fake' functions here: # 'dictentry' is same as 'extension' but in a "dirty" block # 'icon' is character graphics, stored between 0x3000 and 0x4800 in color.com # 'binary' is machine code, from 0x0 to 0x3000 (with some other stuff too) # 'end_of_block' is just so the markup routines can be called at end-of-block; # to close open tags and whatnot uniquefunction = [ 'extension', 'execute', 'executelong', 'define', 'compileword', 'compilelong', 'compileshort', 'compilemacro', 'executeshort', 'text', 'textcapitalized', 'textallcaps', 'variable', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'executehexlong', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'compilehexlong', 'compilehexshort', '', 'executehexshort', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'end_of_block', 'binary', 'icon', 'dictentry', ] # the following arrays are one-based, remember to subtract 1 before indexing function = [ 'execute', 'execute', 'define', 'compile', 'compile', 'compile', 'compilemacro', 'execute', 'text', 'textcapitalized', 'textallcaps', 'variable', '', '', '', '', '', 'executehex', '', '', 'compilehex', 'compilehex', '', 'executehex', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ] colortags = [ 'brightyellow', 'brightyellow', 'brightred', 'brightgreen', # 1-4 'brightgreen', 'brightgreen', 'brightcyan', 'brightyellow', # 5-8 'brightwhite', 'brightwhite', 'brightwhite', 'brightmagenta', # 9-0xc 'normal', 'normal', 'normal', 'normal', # 0xd-0x10 'normal', 'yellow', 'normal', 'normal', # 0x11-0x14 'green', 'green', 'normal', 'yellow', # 0x15-0x18 'normal', 'normal', 'normal', 'normal', # 0x19-0x1c 'normal', 'normal', 'normal', 'normal', # 0x1d-0x20 'normal', 'normal', 'normal', 'normal', # 0x21-0x24 ] highbit = 0x80000000L mask = 0xffffffffL formats = ['', 'html', 'color', 'plaintext'] dump = { # set up globals as dictionary to avoid declaring globals everywhere 'dirty': False, # low-level code detected in a block 'blocktext': '', # decompiled high-level Forth 'print_formats': [], # filled in during init; routines not yet defined 'debugging': False, # set True for copious debugging messages 'original': False, # set True for output similar to Tim Neitz's cf2html.c 'format': '', # use 'html' or 'color', otherwise plain text 'index': 0, # index into block, to match cf2html.c bug } def debug(*args): if dump['debugging']: sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % repr(args)) def print_normal(fulltag): if dump['blocktext'] and fulltag == uniquefunction.index('define'): dump['blocktext'] += '\n' if fulltag != uniquefunction.index('end_of_block'): if dump['blocktext'] and fulltag != uniquefunction.index('define'): dump['blocktext'] += ' ' def print_color(fulltag): #debug('print_color(0x%x)' % fulltag) if dump['blocktext']: # close previous color tag dump['blocktext'] += '%s[%d;%dm' % (escape, 0, 30 + colors.index('normal')) if dump['blocktext'] and fulltag == uniquefunction.index('define'): dump['blocktext'] += '\n' if fulltag != uniquefunction.index('end_of_block'): color = colortags[fulltag - 1] bright = 0 if color[0:6] == 'bright': bright = 1 color = color[6:] if dump['blocktext'] and fulltag != uniquefunction.index('define'): dump['blocktext'] += ' ' dump['blocktext'] += '%s[%d;%dm' % (escape, bright, 30 + colors.index(color)) def print_text(coded): text = unpack(coded) #debug('text: "%s"' % text) dump['blocktext'] += text def unpack(coded): #debug('coded: %08x' % coded) bits = 32 - 4 # 28 bits used for compressed text text = '' while coded: nybble = coded >> 28 coded = (coded << 4) & mask bits -= 4 #debug('nybble: %01x, coded: %08x' % (nybble, coded)) if nybble < 0x8: # 4-bit coded character text += code[nybble] elif nybble < 0xc: # 5-bit code text += code[(((nybble ^ 0xc) << 1) | (coded & highbit > 0))] coded = (coded << 1) & mask bits -= 1 else: # 7-bit code text += code[(coded >> 29) + (8 * (nybble - 10))] coded = (coded << 3) & mask bits -= 3 return text def print_tags(fulltag): if dump['blocktext'] or (dump['original'] and dump['index']): dump['blocktext'] += '' if dump['blocktext']: if fulltag == uniquefunction.index('define'): dump['blocktext'] += '
' if fulltag != uniquefunction.index('end_of_block'): dump['blocktext'] += '' % function[fulltag - 1] if fulltag != uniquefunction.index('define'): dump['blocktext'] += ' ' def print_format(fulltag): index = formats.index(dump['format']) dump['print_formats'][index](fulltag) def print_hex(integer): dump['blocktext'] += '%x' % integer def print_decimal(integer): if (highbit & integer): integer -= 0x100000000 dump['blocktext'] += '%d' % integer def print_plain(fulltag): if dump['blocktext'] and fulltag == uniquefunction.index('define'): dump['blocktext'] += '\n' if fulltag != uniquefunction.index('end_of_block'): if dump['blocktext'] and fulltag != uniquefunction.index('define'): dump['blocktext'] += ' ' dump['blocktext'] += '%s ' % uniquefunction[fulltag].upper() def print_code(chunk): """dump as raw hex so it can be undumped""" dump['blocktext'] += '%02x' * len(chunk) % tuple(map(ord, chunk)) def dump_block(chunk): """see http://www.colorforth.com/parsed.html for meaning of bit patterns""" state = 'default' if (dump['block'] / 1024) < high_level_block and not dump['original']: # assume machine code dump['dirty'] = True else: # assume high-level Forth dump['dirty'] = False for dump['index'] in range(0, len(chunk), 4): integer = struct.unpack('> 5) | 0xf8000000) else: print_hex(integer >> 5) else: if integer & highbit: print_decimal((integer >> 5) | 0xf8000000) else: print_decimal(integer >> 5) elif tag == uniquefunction.index('variable'): print_format(tag) print_text(integer & 0xfffffff0) state = 'print number as decimal' print_format(uniquefunction.index('compileword')) elif not dump['original'] and tag > 0xc: #debug('block is dirty: tag = 0x%x' % tag) dump['dirty'] = True print_format(uniquefunction.index('binary')) print_code(struct.pack('\n') output.write('\n') for dump['block'] in range(0, len(data), 1024): chunk = data[dump['block']:dump['block'] + 1024] debug('block %d: %s' % (dump['block'] / 1024, repr(chunk))) output.write('{block %d}\n' % (dump['block'] / 1024)) if dump['format'] == 'html': output.write('
\n') dump_block(chunk) output.write(dump['blocktext']) if dump['blocktext']: dump['blocktext'] = '' if dump['original']: output.write('\n') if dump['format'] == 'html': output.write('
\n') if dump['format'] == 'html': output.write('\n') def cf2text(filename): dump['format'] = 'plaintext' cfdump(filename) def cf2ansi(filename): dump['format'] = 'color' cfdump(filename) def cf2html(filename): dump['format'] = 'html' cfdump(filename) if __name__ == '__main__': os.path.split command = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1])[0] sys.argv += [''] # make sure there's at least 1 arg (eval(command))(sys.argv[1]) else: pass